ELC Entrepreneur Highlight: Deborah Augustine Elam

ELC Member Deborah Augustine Elam is the President and CEO of Corporate Playbook Consulting

Publications/News & Insights/Blog/ELC Entrepreneur Highlight: Deborah Augustine Elam

ELC Member Deborah Augustine Elam is the President and CEO of Corporate Playbook Consulting, a business consulting firm that specializes in Executive Coaching and Strategic Solutions.

Elam made history being appointed by GE’s board of directors as the first-ever black female corporate officer, making her one of the most senior executive leaders in the company. Today she is one of the foremost experts and champions of leadership development, diversity, inclusion, and philanthropy. Elam’s Corporate Playbook services include executive coaching and strategic development for leaders committed to advancing their professional endeavors.

Q: Why did you make the leap into entrepreneurship?

A: The opportunity to enable clients who are serious about leadership, diversity, inclusion and philanthropy

Q: To what or whom do you attribute your success?

A: I attribute my success to my ability to listen and connect people & resources to leverage opportunities and solve problems

Q: Any tips for new business owners or struggling business owners?

A: Work on stuff that matters to you!

The ELC Entrepreneur series highlights ELC Members who have been successful in starting businesses. Their stories will provide insights on what went into their decision and how they navigated some of their toughest obstacles. They will also provide tips for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make the leap.

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