Our Impact

The Executive Leadership Council’s most recent Strategic Vision 2021 includes expanding our emphasis on community with new pillars created to help ensure increased opportunities for young black women and men to succeed as business executives.


Unlock the doors to academic excellence with ELC’s transformative scholarships. Tailored to support aspiring leaders, our scholarship programs empower individuals to pursue educational milestones, fostering a foundation for success and contributing to the cultivation of a diverse and accomplished leadership landscape.


With a commitment to making a meaningful difference, our philanthropy initiatives aim to uplift communities, support causes that matter, and drive positive change. Together, we harness the power of generosity to create a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Strategic Partnerships

Join forces with a trailblazing community dedicated to advancing Black leadership excellence. As a strategic partner, you’ll gain unique opportunities to shape and contribute to our mission, access a network of influential leaders, and co-create initiatives that drive meaningful impact.


Our External Advocacy initiative is designed to position The ELC as a champion for full inclusion on public policy issues that impact Black constituents and other minority groups on a national level.

In alignment with our member engagement efforts, we are also committed to becoming the most reputable and primary “go to” source for the advocacy of Black executives and leaders in advancing Black representation on corporate boards and in C-Suites. Another focus area is education, with a special emphasis on strengthening HBCUs at the leadership and governance levels. We expanded our efforts to engage government officials on relevant public policy issues such as economic development and criminal justice reform.

Custom Programs

Our dedicated team brings unparalleled insights and strategic guidance to help businesses cultivate inclusive cultures and drive impactful change. From tailored assessments to actionable plans, we collaborate with you to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion within your workplace. Partner with ELC’s DEI consulting services to embark on a transformative journey towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organizational landscape.

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