Programs & Events/Leadership Programs/Women’s Leadership Forum

Women’s Leadership Forum

The annual leadership development forum convenes senior-level Black women executives and leaders in the corporate, public policy, legislative and academic arenas.

Registration is now live for LDW 2024!

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Over the past 16 years, ELC members have gathered in Atlanta, DC, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Los Angeles and Philadelphia to lean in, listen and learn from testimonials and insights of some of the most influential and powerful Black women. Each year, our speakers and attendees exchange useful knowledge to educate, enlighten and empower.

The ELC’s Women’s Leadership Forum (WLF) is a one-day professional and leadership development program specifically designed for top-level black women executives and high performing women with executive potential. WLF features panel discussions, forums and organized activities crafted through the lens of race and gender. The program highlights experienced corporate leaders as they engage in straight forward discussions bringing career strategy, advice, feedback and networking opportunities to program participants.

Proceeds from the WLF benefit the Ann Fudge Scholarship Program offering scholarships to high-achieving undergraduate Black female students attending the nation’s top Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Past Women’s Leadership Forum Galleries



Become a Member

To be extended an application for membership, a candidate must receive a nomination for membership consideration from an ELC member in good standing and meet one of the preliminary membership criteria.

Applications for the next ELC Scholarship cycle are now open!